Thursday, August 03, 2006

siege of a town
a hastatus impaled by my italian cavalry
an army of twenty units of hypaspistai. that's 1600 hypaspistai
bactrian hypaspistai
my pezoi and italian spearmen line up to repel the romans
on the left we see mercenary hoplitai and on the right there are pezhetairoi (foot companions)
illyrian heavy hoplitai charge my galatian swordsmen
the macedonians advance on athens
here is rtr greece
victory over the greeks
battle, but not snowy
the greek general dies

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

snowy battle
a tiny greek army attacks my infinitely superior force of macedonians. to be fair, macedonians were no more than barbarians: a thracian people who had a knack for beeing able to kill a lot of people really fast. unlike those that the romans called barbarians, who were civil in their own way and had a highly developed honor system. they were simply called barbarians because they lack the roman luxury and unity. the romans, however, were less united than we like to think. beside numerous civil wars, the empire was split and divided several times in its later years. in its final form, the holy roman empire, the rulers and populants were not romans, but those that the romans had decreed to be barbarians centuries earlier: the germans. those that the romans never conquered inherited it all. the full name of the holy roman empire is: Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation. the new "empire" wasn't really an empire; hundreds of mostly independent city-states, principalities and baronies still existed in the empire as a legacy of the loosely-united germanic tribes of earlier years. it was still rather barbarian. by the way, the etymology of the word "barbarian": in its heyday of around 450 BC, greece was a great center of commerce. traders came from all over europe and the middle east to exchange their wares. whenever the greeks heard non-greeks speaking in their native tongue, it seemed to the greeks that they simply went: var var var var. they began to call one who did not speak greek a "varvaros" (βάρβαρος). the romans took this and, being who they were, changed the "β"s to "b"s and the "ο" to a "u", hence: barbarus. this was used for anyone outside the roman sphere of influence.

anyway, the greeks shouldn't have attacked my big macedonian army.
could have been better, but i really lost most of those guys from like two units. don't rely completely on gallic swordsmen!
around the ionian sea
speeding away from pointy
a cunning macedonian general who defeted many units of italian swordsmen, italian spearmen, hastat, and principes. only one unit of triarii.
another loading screen

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

thracian infantry in hand-to-hand combat with athenoi hoplitai
greeks and macedonians locked in a brutal melee
greek levy hoplitai march along the devestated walls of athens
the last few samno-roman spearmen regret serving against th seleucids
the pontic general falls in a sandstorm
the roman capitano dies of impaling-through-the-back-related causes
the triarii gain some ground
my mercenary hoplitai and samnites defend a fort on sicily
my fort is under attack
flipped by a brittanic chariot
"flieger spartlander"
death trap for greekie

an ambush
burn, rome!

if you can say "burn, rome" in latin, email me at . it"s probably like "roma igneo" or something. that's a total guess.
german fire arrows scorching the macedonian phalanx in a freezing environment
the edge of a battle map. you can see my fleet in the distance
more dead 'gyptians

dead rebels
some samnites finaly sating their thirst for revenge aginst the romans
the last greek left standing. actually, this is right before he was impaled in the back with a sarissa.
a loading screen
a few thousand dead ptolemaic egyptians. i don't care... *sniff sniff* whyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
tons of death. by the way: the greek word for death is thanatos. this was a battle i had where my army consisted of seven units of hypaspistai against several allied armies with a diverse mix of light, medium, and heavy infantry. no cavalry and no ranged units.
good bridge battle (seleucids vs. ptolemaic dynasty)
the gallic warband meet my gallic swordsmen in an epic clash
my great army of hetairoi and spear hypaspistai has triumphed again!
regular stats
pretty good stats for four units, hmmm?
sorry, these are indian elephants, not asian. my mistake
the last hypaspistas has fallen